Monday, May 21, 2018

NM DELT Presentations at The Teacher's Institute- May 24th & 25th

Your NM DELT Team is excited to be participating in the 2018 Teacher's Institute!

If you have not yet registered for this grassroots conference, giving you and your colleauges the opportunity to share best practices, it is not too late! Click here to navigate to the NMAEA website to register and learn more. 

Here you will find a detailed pdf of all the NM DELT and Edmentum sessions offered, along with descriptions, session numbers, locations, bios and requested devices for the optimum conference experience. 

Thursday, May 24th

On Thursday, you have the opportunity to "Set your sights on New Google Sites" with Kristen Waring (NM DELT), to explore "Using Edmentum Resources for a Constructivist Approach to Multiple Subject Areas",  and to investigate "Using Edmentum Resources to Support College and Career Readiness" with David Disko (Edmentum). 

Friday, May 25th

Friday brings the chance to "Unleash the Magic of Kahoot!" with Kristen Waring and Terri Gustafson (NM DELT), to examine "Hybrid ESL with USA Learns" with Don Dutton (NM DELT), to delve into "Using the 4 C's to Teach Soft Skills" with Cash Clifton, and to bring your burning issues for discussion in the "Open Space Workshop" with Tina Hite and Jamie Trujillo (NM DELT). 

We are excited to offer these sessions to all of you and equally excited to discover what all of the presenters from our state will be sharing. 

Be sure to note which sessions request that you bring your own technology device and review the full pdf of the conference schedule to learn more about all the sessions and the presenters. We hope to see you all there! 

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